Meet Abby

Young-ish lady, late 30's, not stylish and slightly down at heel, WLTM madly ambitious green living-types for travel and adventures....   This is Abby. She will be our tea base and home-away-from-home for the indefinite future. She is very...cosy 😉 Pictures from the inside as and when. Thanks to Deirdre and Paul for naming her... Continue Reading →

Adventures in Food – Banana Rice Fritters

After making rice milk we were left with quite a bit of raw rice pulp left over. It could go to Pinky and The Brain, but we decided to do something else with it this time... Banana Rice Fritters You will need Mixing Bowl Frying pan or deep fat fryer   2 x bananas 2... Continue Reading →

Trouble with Tomatoes

As you might know from this previous post, I struggle with growing tomatoes. Which is annoying, because they're one of my favourite foods and I eat them all the time, and it would be really handy if I could grow my own. This year they have grown bigger and had seemed to be doing better,... Continue Reading →

Allotment Diaries – June Update

It's been a while since I updated on the allotment, partly due to moving house and not being able to get down there for a week or so, and partly due to other distractions. So, what's occurring in our little patch? Well, we've had some successes, and some failures. Quite a lot of failures, if... Continue Reading →

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